see her blog:
In this blog you can see the arriving mail art. ... Please no add&pass or ATCs ... ...and please no tapes...
Friday, 29 February 2008
outgoing collARTage to Marina Salmaso (Denmark)
see her page:
outgoing collARTage "step into the future energy" to SACS (Italy)
outgoing collARTage "step into the future energy" to SACS (Italy) for the mail art call "future energy"
outgoing mail art "the five incredibles" to Point Jaune (Switzerland)
outgoing mail art "the five incredibles" to Point Jaune (Switzerland) - my second submission to this project (unfortunately still without any reply) -here are my second and last one to this project of the incredible green cat.
see blog:
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Mailartissimo and the A. S. Popov Central Museum of Communications.

Exhibition Catalogue “Mailartissimo-2007” at the A. S. Popov Central Museum of Communications. Saint-Petersburg, 21 December 2007—30 January 2008.
Mailartissimo-2007. Exhibition catalogue/ Federal State Institution “The A. S. Popov Central Museum of Communications”. General editor L. Bakayutova; Editorship, translation A. Diatchenko; Design I. Panin, “BOREY ART Centre”; Coordinator I. Lebedeva; Curator, catalogue composer S. Serebryakova; Video-art—A. Lyakh; Photo N. Bruckmuler, R. Levkovsky.—St. Petersburg: The A. S. Popov Central Museum of Communications, 2007.—84 p.
The catalogue is available at the cash desk of the Museum. Please, send your orders to
Just an information given to all participants of the mail art project Mailartissimo, curated by Tricia Burr, last year. A catalogue was produced, but not sent out to the participants yet as far as I know, the show has already ended in January. I asked the museum now several times to get a copy of it because they used my mail art for the cover and did not ask me before, but I did not get any reply from the museum. Maybe every participant should ask as well. Try it out whether the museum is really a Museum of communication.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
arriving mail art from Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarré (Venezuela)
arriving mail art from Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarré (Venezuela) - the two artists have sent me each two mail art inside of one letter (one for my socks project, which you can see here) the other you can see on my Andreas Hofer Blog; Annijames has made a polaroid photo of toe socks; Luis has sent a little oilpainting on canvas. Thank you very much.
see the blog:
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
arriving mail art multiple "ashes of fluxsox" from Keith A. Buchholz (USA)
arriving mail art "report of 2007" from K. Frank Jensen (Denmark)
arriving mail art "report of 2007" from K. Frank Jensen (Denmark) - Frank has sent an article about a bloody year - a field study emanation including some statements on mail art and his mail art call last year about the christmas tarot cards, he was coordinating for the italian Museum of Tarots. Thanks.
more to be seen there:
Monday, 25 February 2008
arriving mail art zine "Nada Zero" from Christian Alle (France)
arriving mail art zine "Nada Zero" from Christian Alle (France) - a 10 page mail art zine with many participants, the Nada Zero Nr. 68. Thank you very much.
see his page:
arriving mail art documentation Marianne from Aurélie Berthelon (France)
arriving mail art documentation Marianne from Aurélie Berthelon (France) - a mail art documentation about her mail art call "Marianne" with some of the participants, worked out as postage stamps. Thank you.
see her blog: