In this blog you can see the arriving mail art. ... Please no add&pass or ATCs ... ...and please no tapes...
Monday, 31 January 2011
Friday, 28 January 2011
Thursday, 27 January 2011
outgoing mail art for Jürgen O. Olbrich (Germany)
maybe a new mail art project has been launched?, we will see what will happen, I sent already two of these 1970ies poster out (one of them has failed), here it will go out to a third artist: By sending in 10 € I asked them for an artwork, which is worth 10 €, hopefully the artists will use this poster for their artwork, I sent it together with a pink retour card.
outgoing mail art to Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)
arriving mail art from Marie Wintzer (Japan)
see her blog:
arriving mail art from Siglinde Halbritter(Germany)
arriving mail art from Jürgen O. Olbrich (Germany)
arriving mail (no mail art!) from Heinz Mack (Germany)
arriving mail (no mail art at all!) from Heinz Mack (Germany) - unfortunately Heinz Mack has sent me the whole stuff back which I sent to him some days ago, without any comments - ZERO Comment to say - lousy reaction! ZERO thank you and ZERO birthday greetings will go to you ! On the 8th of March he will become 80. I always liked his art work, but now I have to think it over maybe.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Monday, 24 January 2011
... an outgoing ...
... my portait of Hannah Höch ...
see the new mail art call from Reed Altemus:
Saturday, 22 January 2011
arriving mail art "working during the crisis" from Bernhard Zilling (Germany)

Thank you.
Friday, 21 January 2011
... outgoings ...

maybe a new mail art project has been launched?, we will see what will happen, I sent this 1970ies poster to this two artist and by sending in 10 € I asked them for an artwork, which is worth 10 €, hopefully the artists will use this poster for their artwork, I sent it as registred letter with a retour card. so at least the card will come back.