In this blog you can see the arriving mail art. ... Please no add&pass or ATCs ... ...and please no tapes...
Friday, 30 April 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
... artistbooklet art carrée ...

Here you can see the cover of the artistbooklet of a mail art project which will be exhibited on 8th of May in Schweinfurt during the art show called "Kunst Karrée". The limited edition of this artistbooklet will have 36 pages, full colour and with at least one art carrée from every participant inside - full page sized - it will be printed in a numbered edition. You can now order it for a special price in subscription - let me know in a comment or in an email if you like to have one - you can see some submisions here:
subscription price will be 5 Euro plus shipping - only valid till 7th of May 2010
subscription price will be 5 Euro plus shipping - only valid till 7th of May 2010
arriving mail art from R. F. Côté (Canada)
see his blog:
Monday, 26 April 2010
outgoing collARTage "Bamiyan" to Servane Morel (France)
see her new blog:
arriving mail art from Konstantin Kalendaroff (Russia)
arriving mail art "This is Mail Art" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany)
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
outgoing mail art "A journey to Afghanistan" to Morsal Obeidi (Afghanistan)
arriving mail art "Letter No. 1216" from Achim Heidemann (Germany)
Monday, 19 April 2010
outgoing assemblages to Kommissar Hjuler(Germany)
Here are my three works "Brotkatzenbrötchen" & "Brotkatzenfutter" & "Kunstbrotkatzen" for his exhibition, the works are planed for sale there. The work "Brotkatzenbrötchen" includes 265 artistamps on a roll which can be pulled down by the visitors.
see his page:
Friday, 16 April 2010
arriving mail art from Okadascat (United Kingdom)
arriving mail art from Alfonso Caccavale (Italy)
arriving mail art from Lorraine Kwan (Canada)
see her blog:
Thursday, 15 April 2010
outgoing mail art "barbwire" to Felipe Lamadrid (Spain)
outgoing mail art "Lieber Udo ich finde es toll..." to Udo Schulz (Germany)
see his homepage